What is Minimum Lot Size?
The minimum size of the lot is the smallest size an individual lot can be. This area however cannot be applied to all lots, as developers still need to achieve the average lot size across the entire development.
How to check Minimum Lot Size?
Are you seeing all the property facts, recently we released in a beta version MLS – Minimum lot Size.
Going beyond the ability to only view the zoning and land size of a property, we moved to surfacing key council information including the minimum lot size.
Depending on the council this information can vary in richness, with the ability to link directly to the references for further understanding of environmental and development requirements.
In this example we can see the property in NSW displays the Zoning R3 and now with the Lot Size Req Min 900m2.

In Victoria we can see in the example below with even greater details including the Open Space, Set Back for the Road and Side and Rear, including the link through to council.

When we link to the reference, we can uncover further information regarding the property and the planning scheme. In this case below is the extract from Whittlesea planning scheme.

While at Stash we continue to add more information at a property level, the importance in being able to research quickly at a local government area (LGA) and dive further in, it’s the importance of also being able to store safely your research with notes that you can easily tag and find.
Contact the team to find out more about Stash’s features that streamline your property research all in one place.