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Find your next investment property in seconds with Stash.

In property development, market trends are somewhat a roller coaster ride due to the fluctuation of the market value of each property as time goes by. This also requires flexibility on every property development professional’s end on how they approach these changes.

Stash is upgrading everyone’s way of finding great deals to the next level!

We have been doing some extra work and added more valuable features to our platform to make sure that every Stash user’s experience is worthwhile. And this is the reason why we’ve decided to release our new feature Strategy-based keyword search for On Market deals.

On-Market feature allows you to search for properties using keywords of your preferred strategy that are currently for sale in the proximity of a suburb which is perfect for renovators and small developments. It is everywhere and it’s up to us which one we pick and focus more of our time. This simply means that we have to check all possible resources linked to this property to convert this into a one great deal.

On-market transactions take the shotgun approach to selling.  Market analysis is performed and an asking price is usually set. These properties usually have the ‘For Sale’ tags in Stash which means that they are listed and open for the public. Anyone in the market for that type of property will know that the owner’s property is available for sale. 

With the enriched data we’re providing to our users, rest assured that this comes from reliable and dependable sources that are up to date with what is released in the market. It also allows users to filter the type of property, number of beds, baths, and carports.

Selecting/choosing the best keywords that fits your strategy will give you an edge in any projects you are working on. But you must also remember that every development has some risks and it depends on how you solve them and apply some alternatives converting them into a positive approach for you to achieve your goal.

I bet you’re wondering how we have infused this in Stash with all the jam-packed information. Excited to find out how and where to find this? 

Let’s start!

To view and check On-Market feature inside Stash, just simply follow the steps below:

    • Log in to your Stash account.
    • Click ‘Search Area’ under Locate Sites.
    • Select ‘On-Market’ feature in Search Opportunities.

    Filtering by Map gives you nationwide results which displays a variety of properties from all states/areas all across Australia.

    Filtering by Suburb narrows down your results based on the suburb searched and allows you to focus on the properties in the area. 

      1. Once done filtering by Suburb or by Map, you may proceed selecting your Strategy/ies, Filters by Type, Beds, Bath and Cars, and Results Limit(can be adjusted up to 500 results). You may select multiple strategies of your preference.

      2. Hit on “Search” once you are done selecting your desired criteria to check its results.

    Choose from any of the available strategies below:

    Positive Cashflow (e.g. high yield, double income, home and income)

      • Positive cashflow property is a type of investment property where the yearly profit exceeds the yearly expenses (after depreciation and tax deductions).

    Off the Plan (e.g. house and land package, nearing completion)

      • Is a property before a structure has been constructed upon it. Pre-constructions are usually marketed to real estate developers and to early adopters as developments so that the purchaser can secure more favourable finance terms from their lenders

    Strata (e.g. block of units, triplex, strata opportunity)

      • A model of property ownership that allows for individual ownership of certain parts of a property or parcel of land and shared ownership of others. They also provide a comprehensive framework for the management of a development from its planning through to its eventual termination.

    Development Opportunity (e.g. DA approved, STCA)

      • Development Opportunity means a prospect which (i) (A) is not inextricably tied to, (B) is not a part of, or (C) does not impact the physical structure, profitability or operations of, a Project, and (ii) may result in construction or other development of a power project or other investment.

    Renovate (e.g. renovators delight, work needed)

      • A strategy which can boost your property’s value and generate equity at little to no cost.

    Capital Growth (e.g. waterfront, views)

      • Capital growth, or capital appreciation, is an increase in the value of an asset or investment over time. Capital growth is measured by the difference between the current value, or market value, of an asset or investment and its purchase price, or the value of the asset or investment at the time it was acquired. Capital growth investments vary depending on the level of risk tolerance for each investor involved.

    Subdivision Potential (e.g. splitter, on 2 lots)

      • A strategy where a piece of land is divided into pieces that are easier to sell or otherwise develop, usually via a plat. It may be simple, involving only a single seller and buyer, or complex, involving large tracts of land divided into many smaller parcels.

    Vendor Finance (e.g. finance available)

      • A strategy that most commonly occurs when a vendor sees a higher value in a customer’s business than a traditional lending institution does.

    Vendor Discount (e.g. liquidation, urgent sale, all offers considered)

      • The difference between the original asking price of a property listed for sale and its eventual sale price.

    This is such an amazing addition to our platform and we’re looking forward to you checking this out. Have a look around by signing up to our 7-day FREE trial at https://stashproperty.com.au/.  Who knows, you may be a step closer to some great deals for your target properties.

    Should you require further help, please reach out to us at +617 4243 4600. You may also email us at support@stashproperty.com.au or reach us through our live chat at https://stashproperty.com.au and we will be happy to assist you.

    Happy Stashing!
